
Welcome, fellow readers and writers! I am thrilled to have you visit with me and exchange views on our favorite topic-novels. There are so many people who I must thank for getting me to this wondrous place in my life.

First and foremost, I thank The Creator for many blessings including family, friends and fans. Next, I thank the countless generations of my ancestry who, through their age-old struggles, brought me to this place in history. If not for them, there would be no me. Finally, I bow in humble appreciation to my web designer, Jessica Tilles, for the truly multi-talented, Phenomenal Woman the great Maya Angelou described her to be.

Come take this exciting journey with me and mine through the literary landscape that imagination will create for us to enjoy. I promise it will be a wondrous adventure as we join in celebration of the “Family Reunion-The Wisdom of the Ancestors” series.

With each release, I invite you to post your views on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. Your thoughts and views are an invaluable help to guide me along this path.

As always, I remain faithfully yours,