
Family Reunion—Wisdom of the Ancestors Series




Bradley Ellington Taylor, affectionately known as Duke among family and close friends, fiercely resisted the encroachment of middle age. In remarkable health, he maintained his fitness through activities like cycling on his ten-speed racer and participating in pro/am basketball with a group of attorney comrades who humorously called themselves The Sharks. His professional life as a lobbyist had surpassed even his loftiest aspirations. His law firm, Bradley Taylor and Associates, commanded immense respect in the Washington, D.C. political sphere and among a substantial roster of clients. Bradley had also admirably raised his four children single-handedly following the loss of his wife. Now, they were all well-established in their prosperous careers. However, none of them had tied the knot, leaving Bradley yearning for the prospect of grandchildren. Despite possessing everything a man could desire at this stage of life, he longed for a companion with whom to share the years ahead. Hellena Keys, on the other hand, had been hardened by life’s relentless trials.

Becoming a mother at the tender age of fifteen, she faced the devastating loss of her daughter’s father, her true love, in a foreign war. With the support of her father and the father of her beloved, she embarked on a journey to establish her own florist business, Keys to the Garden. Tragically, both her father and his passed away before she reached the age of twenty-one. Nonetheless, despite enduring immense hardships, Hellena managed to persevere, and her daughter eventually blossomed into a lawyer at the prestigious law firm of Bradley Taylor and Associates. It appeared as though everything in Hellena’s life was on an upswing until a horrifying incident left her daughter critically injured in the hospital.

Amidst the uncertainty of the hospital waiting room, Bradley arrives to await the doctors’ prognosis about his employee. Unexpectedly, he experiences an immediate and profound connection with Hellena Keys, the charming mother of his talented employee.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 284 pages
ISBN-13: 78-1941603697 (Paperback)
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
List Price: $19.95



Pragmatic Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Officer Anita Kidd, a child born to her underaged mother who had repeatedly been raped, has faced more challenges at age twenty-one than most people face in a lifetime. First, her mother was murdered, and her body burned when Anita was eleven. Then her maternal grandmother died when Anita was a sixteen-year-old college student. Finally, she and her younger brother were separated and forced into the Child Protective Services system until she aged out at eighteen. Nevertheless, Anita has waged a legal battle for custody of her brother, but was running out of money to pay her lawyer and save her only home. So, in addition to her day job as a county cop, she takes on a part-time job singing and playing her guitar with an up-and-coming band at a new Rodeo Drive hot spot.

When Miguel Menendez-Gaza was six, his mother, Anna, and nine-year-old sister, Angelique, literally walked or hitch-hiked from their small town in Peru to Washington, DC. When they arrived, they found that Miguel’s father had been murdered and burned in a boarding house fire. If it weren’t for a group of law students, he, his mother, and his sister might have perished in a blizzard in the capital city. Now Miguel is twenty-four, a multimillionaire, the recipient of several Academy Awards for his movie roles, current high-fashion modeling appearances for the top clothing designers, and recurring roles in both daytime and nighttime television dramas. As if he weren’t busy enough, he’s starting to do something with his musical talent and aspirations.

When Anita and Miguel met at a music rehearsal, it was all over but the shouting. Their voices blended like Ashford and Simpson or Peaches and Herb. Yet, someone from their past is trying to silence their sweet sounds.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 500 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1941603499 (Paperback)
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
List Price: $19.95

An Alex-Mont Kids Saga, Episode 5

Professor Dena Montgomery might be young, only nineteen, but she is a mathematical Olympiad with a genius-level IQ, earning a Ph.D. for her at sixteen. Yet, her large family calls her The Absentminded Professor, with good reason. Dena can recite the calculus for the Pythagorean theorem as if it is her home address, but can’t, for her life, remember what is on her grocery list or whether she eats three meals on any given day. Though she is shaped like a Barbie Doll, she’s no lightweight. Her family does not leave her defenseless, either. That skill serves her well one cold, blustery, snowy night when she leaves her office at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Walking home, she encounters the abduction of two tender-aged children. Although one man dies, Dena’s protective instincts kick in to save the little boy and girl.

Cambridge, Massachusetts, Police Lieutenant Darrius Pappas caught the case. Yet, he doesn’t know what to make of the beautiful and incredibly young woman in his interrogation room. Surveillance video footage at the murder scene shows that Doctor Montgomery went all Jessica Campbell Jones Cage on the UNSUBs to save children not much older than toddlers. Darrius, young for his police position and unusually handsome, has never seen anything like her in his home country of Greece. Since coming to America to attend college and compete in the Olympics as a champion swimmer, Darrius has had more than his fair share of women. However, something about Doctor Montgomery creates an itch he can’t seem to scratch.

The situation becomes even more complicated when a shadow enforcement entity created by the G7 takes over the case. Darrius is swept up into the FBI/CIA/Interpol task force and taken away to an undisclosed location. That’s when he learns that Doctor Montgomery is much more mysterious than he could have imagined. When a second murder involving Dena Montgomery occurs during his investigation, Lieutenant Pappas’s protective instincts kick in. He will risk everything to save Dena and the children and get to the bottom of both cases.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 244 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-941603-12-3 (Paperback)
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
List Price: $15.95


She’s a Little Bit Country and a lot of Rock-n-roll
Fiona Lizette Lowry, an architect, and engineer is caught between the comfort zone of her past and the promises of an exciting future. The two men in her life are as different as night and day. Yet, they both send sensual sparks shooting through her body’s system. Could there be another who encapsulates the best of both men?

He’s Country Cool
Congressman Aidan Prescott McKenna has been in Fiona’s life since they were toddlers in their farming community of Bay County on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. He is country cool and Fiona’s first lover beginning in high school. They are still lovers and best friends, though she is now an established professional and he has aspirations for higher political office.

He’s City Chic
Musical genius and icon Maxwell Bishop Kennard, III, Trey to his friends, is a city-chic New Yorker, the son of Fiona’s father’s good friend. She’s agreed to design and build a home and studio for him on pristine acreage on the Chesapeake Bay shores. In order to learn more about his creative needs, she agrees to accompany him for three to four months on his musical tour of Europe and Asia to places she has only dreamed about.

He’s Continental Class
Doctor Noah Mikasi is a medical doctor and former covert agent, but Fiona Lizette Lowry is not his patient or his charge to protect. Yet, something about her piques his interest. When they are tasked to work together on a multibillion-dollar project for an NGO, The BlackHawk Foundation, Noah has to employ all of his worldly wiles to keep his distance from the intriguing woman. If he fails it could put Fiona’s life in danger.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 276 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-941603-07-9 Print
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
List Price: $15.95

REGRETS (Book 22)

Mary Ella Baker and Eric Dixon were high school sweethearts even through their days together in nursing school. Then Eric up and joined the US Army leaving her broken-hearted in their small South Carolina town. On the rebound, when Dr. Mark Brooks, a US Marine comes to town for an extended two-year stay, Mary Ella is ready to open her heart again to a new man. When Mark is ready to return to his post with Doctors Without Borders, he refuses to leave without Mary Ella by his side.

Three years into service for the NGO in war-torn countries, disaster strikes when Mark and Mary Ella are taken captive and separated in Africa by terrorists. Moments from being killed, Mary Ella is saved by one of the terrorists known as the infamous Kaseem who weds her and beds her on the same spot where she was still warm from being with Mark.

When rescued three months later, Mary Ella discovers that she is pregnant with twins. She doesn’t know whether the babies are Mark’s or Kaseem’s, but alone in the world, she knows she will love them regardless of who fathered them. Left with no other choices, Mary Ella returns to her home in Goodwill, Summer County, South Carolina, to find that Eric Dixon has returned, too, as a full-fledged doctor who wants her back in his life. With impending motherhood on the horizon, can she risk opening her heart to Eric again or does she now love someone else?

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 344 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1941603147 Print
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
List Price: $15.95

Alex-Mont Kids Saga, Episode 4

Young textile designer, Samantha Montgomery, unexpectedly comes face to face with her only love, top tennis pro, Samuel King, and his twin sister, Paulette, her BFF. It is the first time that Samantha has seen either of them since Samuel dumped her on their high school prom night to take another classmate to dinner and the dance. Nine months later, Samuel, and his bride, Pamela, welcome their son into their family. Can Samantha survive the accidental meeting when Samuel and Paulette’s older brother, Quentin King, President of King Advertising, wants to pick up where his younger brother left off?

Quentin King has long had an interest in the pretty, quiet, and shy Samantha Montgomery. He kept his secret through the years when she and his younger brother, Samuel, were known as the Dynamic Duo on the amateur tennis circuit even after Samuel dumped her. Still, from the time Samuel and Samantha were children on the mixed doubles tennis courts, it was evident that they had a special bond. However, for Quentin to reveal his secret and express his interest in Samantha then would have been wholly inappropriate and against his parents’ dictates. His parents have an aversion to Samantha because she was adopted and had a mixed heritage with an ethnicity other than an American of African descent.

Regardless of his parents’ precepts, Samantha is now a grown and very desirable woman. Quentin questions whether he is willing to risk his leadership role as the head of the family business, King Advertising, one of the most successful companies of its type in the country, for a woman who may not even be interested in him. Even more confusing is why his parents are so averse to Samantha based on parentage and ethnicity.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 348 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-941603-85-7 Print
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
List Price: $15.95

Alex-Mont Kids Saga, Episode 3

Wealthy reporter Simon Wilde is a former US Navy SEAL who uses his position to cover his covert action for a secret world enforcement agency. He returns from three months of a covert mission in the Middle East and Africa to find three murdered victims in his home. One of the deceased is his former lover.

DC Police Detective Eve Montgomery, a former Coast Guard Officer who is also a pilot, has just closed a complicated drug case resulting in months of undercover work. She is looking forward to taking a few days off to rest and relax. As one of the top cops in the Washington, DC, Police Department, she is called in to take point on the murder of three people in the home of a reporter.

When drive-by shots are fired at Wilde and Montgomery, Eve determines that it’s best to hide Wilde away from anyone who might be gunning for him. While Wilde recovers from gunshot wounds, he and Montgomery work together to try to figure out who killed the people in his home and why someone is trying to kill him.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 262 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-941603-43-7
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
List Price: $15.95

Alex-Mont Kids Saga, Episode 2

Brian Montgomery loves the life he lives as the son of Chuck and Vivian Alexander Montgomery, and manager of the AlexMont Ranches in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, Mitchell County, Maryland, and Summer County, South Carolina. He wants for nothing and, although he doesn’t know anything about his biological history, he relishes in the family that adopted him. He and his thirty-plus siblings are a tightly-knit “posse,” of which his dad calls them. Most of them were also adopted as health-challenged infants or toddlers. Nevertheless, they all receive top-of-the-line education at some of the most prestigious universities in the country. He has everything he wants-the love of family and friends.

KiLe Hakamora cannot believe her guy friend of more than two years is in the shadows of the Montgomery Mansion with his hand under the minuscule skirt of the bottle-blond with the big boobs. Unable to watch the spectacle of them tickling each other’s tonsils, she runs away and blindly into a pretty log cabin, coming face-to-face with the unbelievably handsome and naked Brian Montgomery fresh from his shower. Suddenly, her guy friend’s infidelity went right out the window.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 282 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-941603-23-9
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
List Price: $15.95

Alex-Mont Kids Saga, Episode 1

Sport icon Will Hamilton, known in the world of baseball and society pages as The Hammer, watched as prima ballerina Linda Lewis twirled unbelievably fast on pointed toes. Generally, classical ballet was not his thing, but as the spotlights followed her across the big, empty, darkened Broadway stage, he found himself mesmerized. The audience also seemed to be held in a state of suspended animation. He looked around him to see those sitting close to him with their eyes riveted on her and gleaming. She was perfect in every dimension; tall, proportionally slim with perfect, strong, muscular arms, legs, and thighs. Her carriage was high, tight, and regal. Yet she was as graceful as the swan her character portrayed.

Linda Lewis, known in the theatre world as “The Black Swan,” a rare species whose life, like all those in her profession, is completely consumed with dance to the exclusion of all else, including love. She’s lived with the demands she and others placed on her life and on her body to perform each time in perfectly flawless symmetry. Now, she fears her body will fail her, her career will end, and questions what she will do with her life once the cheering stops?

Along the way, she’s been stalked. Her security team has kept her safe from harm, but if her stalker ever got his hands on her the cheering may not be the only thing that stops.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 248 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-941603-16-1
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
List Price: $15.95



WHEN YOU KNOW it’s right, you don’t let anything stand in your way. That’s what Tucker Cavanaugh thought on the bright, fall day when a vision of loveliness, moving like a graceful gazelle, crossed his path on the university’s campus. Abandoning his friends, he gave chase only to lose her in the crowd of students and professors. Still, he pledged to find her again and when he did, he wouldn’t let her slip away.

When the young, handsome US Marine medical student approached her, Whitney Ivy Alexander, a law school student, wasn’t looking her best. Yet, one look into Tucker’s handsome face, she knew what they would be together was completely right for both of them. Still, could their interracial romance withstand the challenges they faced?

DEDICATED TO DUTY is Commander Helen Marlowe’s mantra. Code Name: Helen of Troy or HOT, as her counterparts and pals chose to call her, not because of the temperature or her disposition, but because of her extraordinarily attractive physical features. Assets her camouflage battle dress uniform fatigues, Cammy hat, and aviator shades failed to disguise. No matter how much activity surrounded her, that wickedly handsome man, whose face and physique had been created by the gods on a particularly good day, was stuck in her head, preventing her from operating at full capacity.

Independently wealthy US Air Force jet fighter pilot Captain Shawn Baxter Rodgers, Code Name: Hot Rod, stood over six-four with the body of an Adonis, clever hands, and a grin on his too-handsome face that promised endless acts of naughtiness. Shawn and Helen’s weekend R&R to Las Vegas produced a daughter Helen had never seen before she disappeared from his life. Shawn was raising their daughter alone, but vowed he’d find the love of his life to make them a family. Could the life he wanted to offer Helen shake her commitment to her secret agent life?

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 298 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-9416034-5-1
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
List Price: $15.95


Small-town girl, Jacqueline Conner Mitchell no longer had her husband, Bobby, to help her keep their fledgling travel and tour company afloat. Not yet thirty years old, he died in a plane crash while leading a tour of the African continent leaving her pregnant and alone. Then tragedy struck again with the loss of their unborn child and her father. Now she has her ailing mother, her teenage siblings, her failing business, and loyal employees to contend with. Without a substantial infusion of cash, her once-promising future will end in disaster for those she holds most dear.

Jackson Chase wasn’t going to make it easy on Jacqueline, the love of his life, to continue to ignore him. He was no longer the trailer camp kid from the wrong side of the tracks who once rode a stripped-down Harley with his gang of bad boy misfits. She loved him once, but let an incident when they were in high school separate them. Then she devastated him when she married wealthy, pretty boy Bobby Mitchell whose family their Maryland County was named for. Her husband was dead now and Jackson, a multi-billionaire, and owner of the local bank was doing everything in his power to force her to come to him for help.

In order for her business to survive and to support her family, Jacqueline will have no choice but to sacrifice herself and submit to Jackson’s marriage demands. She doesn’t love him anymore and fears he seeks retribution for what happened in high school. So, will the battle of bodies, souls, and minds start the moment she says I do?

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 398 pages
ISBN-13: 978-09915003905
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
List Price: $17.95

Book 3 in The Chi-Town Girls Trilogy

Tina Justice burst into the club like she owned the joint. Heads quickly turned and murmurs rose amid lively applause. Newspaper photographers and reporters scurried ahead of her, frantically snapping pictures and shouting questions while her security team cleared the way. She ignored it all.

Restaurant patrons jumped to their feet, applauding in roof-raising adulation and admiration of her, sounding like hundreds of geese rising from a lake, noisily squawking and honking, wings loudly beating the air. One would have thought she was giving out thousand-dollar bills for all the attention focused on her. Yet, no one could deny that she looked like a cool million, freshly minted in her money-green, shimmering sheath.

Initially, businessman Nico Collins thought all of the hoopla was over the very popular male matinee idol and heartthrob escorting her for the evening. The actor had just won best male actor for his role in the latest film her company, Sweet Justice Productions, released. However, the crowd quickly disabused Nico of that notion when they started chanting “Sweet Justice” in a rhythmic rendition of the title song from the soundtrack of her blockbuster movie.

Neither Tina nor Nico could have predicted how their lives would crash together and cause cataclysmic sparks to fly. When two billionaire captains of industry collide, could both survive the experience.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 268 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-941603-05-5
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
List Price: $15.95

Book 2 in The Chi-Town Girls Trilogy

Cheryl Lawrence-Hardy was a stunningly beautiful, successful partner in a prestigious Washington, DC law firm who married a handsome university professor. She was admired by her peers and adored by her family and friends. People thought that she had everything a woman could want, but there was one thing she wanted above all else, a child or children of her own. That her husband did not share her desire for a family was a huge problem in their new marriage.

Peter Brock, Cheryl’s life-long friend, neighbor and copartner in her law firm, was also dealing with a less than perfect marriage. Although they had known each other since childhood and knew most things about each other’s lives, the two friends could not share their concerns about their spouses, until the unthinkable happened. Over time, they realized that their feelings for each other had grown into much more than friendship. Their efforts to create new lives with each other led to unexpected twists and turns and danger.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 244 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1941603048
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
List Price: $15.95

Book 1 in The Chi-Town Girls Trilogy

It was a long, hard-fought battle for Judge Kristen Catherine Bryant to be appointed by the President of the United States to a judgeship on the DC Circuit Federal Court of Appeals. She endured Congressional interrogations, press and news media interviews, speaking engagements, and grips and grins with intestinal fortitude and no little amount of patience and guile. That was all now behind her. She had a month to decompress before she had to move from Chicago, Illinois, to Washington, DC, to assume her new post. A little vacation to a private Polynesian Island, where no one knew her, was the perfect getaway. What she didn’t want was to share her two-bedroom, two-bath luxury suite with a complete stranger; a man she had never met. Especially dangerous was what this liaison would do to her sterling reputation if a whiff of this got to the media and the scandal that would ensue. Her highly-coveted judgeship could be over before it started.

International attorney Thomas Ashton Marshall, III, was highly sought after when big clients wanted to win. His Marshall and Marshall, Portland, Oregon, law offices were a place he rarely visited as were the courts in the US. After winning his most recent case and learning that an appeal had been filed, the media never let up dogging his tracks. He sought a little privacy and to rest and relax at the Plaza de Masquerada, the place of masks, where his identity never needs to be revealed. What happens at the Plaza stays at the Plaza. That is until he was forced to spend nearly a month with his unintentional suitemate and then a week of passion before she disappears. He refused to give up looking for the woman he only knew as KC. Cinderella she wasn’t, but if the shoe fit . . .

Judge Bryant would never forget Ash even in the face of her former fiancé’s sudden and unexpected hidden agenda for wanting them back together. That was bad enough, but on her first day on the bench as a newly appointed federal judge, the bottom dropped out of her world when her former fiancé stood for the plaintiff and her secret lover stood for the defense in her courtroom.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 224 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-941603-03-12
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
List Price: $15.95


Capri McAllister took her law degree and career into her hands and carved out a business as a lobbyist in the tough, competitive concrete jungle of Washington, DC’s Capitol Hill often cut-throat society. She was young, not yet thirty, but she was made of stern stuff. She loves her multicultural family fiercely, but she would not crumble under someone’s attempt to intimidate her into dropping certain clients even if it meant disgracing her family’s good name.

Aerospace engineer and UCLA professor, Dr. Tate Kennedy, didn’t want for much except to see his dream of a home in outer space become a reality. With his genius-level IQ, he need only convince the US Congress to properly fund his SPACEHOME project and to be among the first to launch into space to lay the foundation for future generations to build on. His childhood friend, Capri, using her talents as a lobbyist, could be the link he needed to get the Congress and the President of the United States to step up and fund his project.

When Capri and Tate team up, their efforts are hindered by elements who have deep pockets and a hidden agenda; one that may be more dangerous and deadly than a space shuttle launch.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 316 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-941603-06-2
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
List Price: $15.95


Gregory Clayton Alexander, tagged “Alexander the Great” by the sports and news media, has announced his retirement from professional basketball at age twenty-nine. No one, except his family, understands why he wants to quit while at the top of his superlative career. Still, he’s been playing the game for more than half his life. After winning Olympic Gold twice, three NBA championship rings, and seven years playing more than eighty professional games a season, he’s ready to trade his NBA highlights to begin using the MBA he worked to achieve. He and his friends have formed Compliant Trading and Investment, a Wall Street brokerage house, banking institution, and member of the New York Stock Exchange. Yet, though highly successful, he has no one special in his life.

Angelique Teresa Menendez-Gaza is the toast of the beauty and fashion industries and has enjoyed an active acting career in film as much as she has her demanding modeling career. At nearly twenty-one years of age, she’s ready to take on a different challenge and open Angelique’s Place, an upscale restaurant, and The Run Way, an exclusive nightclub in the heart of New York City, one of the toughest markets for new eateries and clubs. She spent several years between modeling and acting gigs studying at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, France, perfecting her new craft. Now she has the financial resources and is making the time to share her passion for cooking with the world just as she did her acting and modeling careers.

Gregory and Angelique are long-time platonic friends. She has long been in love with him, but, for Gregory, the age difference between them always stood in the way. That is until he accidently discovers her life and safety are at risk. He puts everything on the line to protect her and risks losing his heart to her in the process. Angelique is the little sister of his heart; but could she also be the woman of his dreams. They must survive this threat to explore the potential for a future together.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 316 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-941603-06-2
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
List Price: $15.95


In Summer County, South Carolina, Satarah Whitfield, head Emergency Room nurse, battles to save the lives of countless accident victims of a record-breaking blizzard. She did not have time to think about her husband’s and sister’s betrayal when they absconded with every dime she had and the only family car leaving their twin boys behind for her to raise. For one patient, a young boy whose name she did not even know, she risks her career to save his life by performing an unauthorized surgery that, if it goes wrong, could land her in prison. She only hopes that, if her own missing son needed extreme measures taken to save his life, someone would step up to save him.

In Richmond, Virginia, firefighter, Deputy Battalion Chief, Douglas Johnson, is battling to save his career after giving testimony in court against his fire department for malfeasants. That would be enough pressure to contend with, but his young, defiant adopted son is driving him to distraction with his preteen angst. If Doug’s wife hadn’t committed suicide, perhaps he would not feel like throwing in the towel.

When the chips were down, neither Satarah nor Douglas had been quitters. So when Douglas learns that his boy was in a near-fatal school bus accident on his way to Walt Disney World, a trip that Douglas knew nothing about, his fear for his son’s life chases him to a South Carolina community he has never heard of and to a woman the likes of which he had never met. When these two bruised, but no broken people come together, they battle together to save their future.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 288 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0991500376
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
List Price: $15.95


What is a southern, gentile, society lady of impeccable taste, breeding, and education to do when her husband of nearly twenty years announces he is divorcing her on the day they deliver their youngest son to college? Loretta Hill Mason, Head Mistress of the Columbia Academy in South Carolina, did not see her husband’s declaration coming and had no idea what she should do next. She couldn’t just emulate Miss Scarlet and say “Fiddly dee, I’ll think about it tomorrow.” Her soon-to-be ex-husband, Randolph, gave her a few weeks to clear her belongings out of the home she made into a show place once featured in Southern Living, listed on the Fabulous Gardens Tour, and envied by their circle of high-society friends and relations. Now she didn’t even have a bank account or credit card in her own name or any other resources to fall back on.

Multi-billionaire Justin W. McCoy learned the hard way from the background of a meager beginning to becoming a titan in the hotel industry. Though he stumbled a few times along the way with an ill-fated marriage, he is now happily divorced, and his teenage daughter is the brightest spot in his life. Business is good and would be better when he closes the deal to acquire the Delaware Group’s hotel chain. That acquisition would make McCoy Hotels, Resorts, and Conference Centers one of the top ten travel industry chains in the world. Yet it could come with a dangerous price tag. A pilgrimage to the first resort he ever purchased suddenly reunites him with a woman he fell in love with from afar over twenty years earlier, but had never met. Tagged with the nickname, The Rejuvenator in the hotel industry, he never lets an opportunity slip through his fingers in business and he won’t let it happen in his private life this time. Fate is a fickle finger when the Delaware Group’s criminal syndicate wants more than a sale of their hotels to McCoy Enterprises and they will stop at nothing, even involving Justin’s daughter, Jessica, and anyone else they can use to their advantage, to get what they want. Justin gambles it all to save his business from the criminal element, and win his safety, and the safety of the ones he holds most dear, including Loretta.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 294 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-9915003-8-3
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
List Price: $15.95


Wesley Greenfield, aka Ice or the Iceman, a self-professed “corner boy” has no intention of stepping up to Dr. Rosalyn Hunter, his high-school heartthrob, even though she has stepped up to help him protect three abandoned neighborhood kids. As the principal of the local elementary school, in his view, she ranks too far above his lowly position as the owner and operator of a struggling community center.

Ice had to grow up fast when, at nineteen, someone shot and killed his only living parent. All he has now are the childhood friends who share his dreams of a better life and help run his center. Though he would relish the opportunity to be with Rosalyn, he is trying to build a future without her as best he can in his old inner-city neighborhood.

Dr. Rosalyn Hunter is not about to let an opportunity to be with the man she cares so deeply for slip through her fingers. She is bound and determined to prove to Ice that her doctorate and status in life are no barriers to the intimate relationship she has long wanted to have with him since their high school days. To save the three minor children, they must move in together and join forces. Will that be enough to prove to Wesley that he and Rosalyn aren’t walking on uneven ground or will he continue to believe that they are walking on shaky ground?

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 328 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-9915003-6-9
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
List Price: $15.95


Abandoned at birth and a loner all her life, Dakota Sinclair had no ties, no history, and maybe no future, which made her an ideal asset for the super-secret, world, security organization that didn’t even have the benefit of an acronym. Being a superb triathlete, multilingual, and of African American and Native American ancestry made her an invaluable resource, as she could infiltrate groups in the Middle East, North Africa, Central or South America or any country of color. Although skilled in a thousand ways to silently kill or capture, she never learned how to protect herself from a man like Ambassador Jefferson Alden Logan.

Jefferson Logan often had the weight of the world on his broad shoulders and an unfaithful and bipolar wife who made him pay dearly for his dedication to duty. What he did not need now was more grief from his wife’s rich and powerful family over the custody of his three, young sons. Even less attractive was a challenge from a woman he could neither possess nor control. Not getting what he wanted and needed in his private life was rare…and this was definitely one of those times when he would stop at nothing to have the elusive and mysterious Dakota Sinclair.

A plot to capture and kill the Ambassador involved the safety of people both Dakota and Jefferson held dear.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 250 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-9915003-5-2
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
List Price: $15.95


When the tall, tan, tantalizing Texan strode into her brother’s business office with his bodyguards like he owned the joint, Kelley Baylor didn’t know him from a can of paint. He cast his obsidian gaze on her like she was on the menu of his favorite five-star restaurant and today’s special seven-course meal complete from soup to nuts. At nearly forty, she instinctively knew that men like him came packaged with a capital “D” for Dangerous. Still, she would do anything for her younger brother and fight by his side to save Baylor Construction no matter what it took.

Jake Hawkins hadn’t decided whether he would start a hostile takeover of the Baylor Construction Company or save it from others who were plotting something far worse. His daughter and grandsons’ happiness was at risk in this high-stakes game of corporate raiding. It only took one look at the brown-eyed beauty, Kelley Baylor, to seal the deal for him. She led him on a merry chase, but he was biding his time, letting her have her head until she ran out of real estate to run. Then he would have the woman and her brother’s company in his stable, lock, stock, and barrel.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 168 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-9915003-4-5
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
List Price: $15.95


Otis Redding probably said it best in his rendition of “If Loving You Is Wrong, I Don’t Want To Be Right.” An affair between two married people can sometimes be more, mean more than just sex and infidelity. It can mean everything to two love-starved people.

Former Texas beauty queen, JaiHonnah Reise Chapman, of African and Native American ancestry is finally moving back to the United States after studying abroad for the last four years and completing her doctorates in architecture and structural engineering at Arcadia Laboratories, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. A new career opportunity awaits her in Washington, D.C., away from her wealthy, powerful, and manipulative father, Jake Hawkins, and the brutal man she married, international financier, Calvin Chapman. The last thing she needs or wants at the beginning of her professional life is to have An Unguarded Moment with another woman’s husband, her new boss.

J. Roderick Baylor, known as the sports icon JRock, had shed the highlights of his illustrious, professional basketball career, and the lowlights of his disastrous marriage to Monique, a would-be starlet. Now he has his twin, five-year-old daughters, Shelly and Shelby, a highly successful construction and development business and loving, supportive family and friends around with which to build a new life. Little did he know that an illicit affair with another man’s wife, his new employee, had the power to refurbish the torn parts of his life and erect a monument to the power of love.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 378 pages
ISBN-10: 0991500334
ISBN-13: 978-0991500338
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
List Price: $15.95


Uncommon lives
Oceanographer Cecil Elizabeth Jordon, Ph.D., is not only cold on the outside, but also on the inside. Stunningly attractive, her perfectly shaped swimmer’s body makes men sizzle and she knows it. Tougher than nails and honed from the roughest parts of East Los Angeles, she slams against the norms and mores of conventional society. If she wants a man, she has him on her terms and then brushes him aside like so much lint . . . but Don Dixon would not be moved.

Uncommon needs
Handsome, virile, and mysterious, a lethal combination Donald Dixon operates in the shadows everywhere. Like thin air, he leads an invisible life. In his profession, he could not risk being with a high-profile woman…until he sees Cecil and knows he will risk everything…including his life…to be with her.

Uncommon choices
Caught in the milieu of the dichotomies between their private and public personae, they make all the wrong choices for all of the right reasons. Risky business for them both with danger lurking too close for comfort.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 688 pages
ISBN: 978-0-9915003-2-1 Print
ISBN: 978-1-941603-54-3 eBook
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
List Price: $19.95


US Air Force Colonel Benjamin “Benny” Alexander has been raising his daughter alone while continuing to search for the woman they both love, US Navy Lieutenant Stacy Greene. She has been deployed and the fact that no one in the Pentagon will reveal her mission to him gives him reason to suspect that wherever she has been is dangerous to her life. His search will lead him from Tokyo, Japan, to the Blue Ridge Mountains around Asheville, North Carolina. He’s on a mission of his own: to find the mother of their child and the woman he loves more than his next breath.

Vivian Alexander, one of Benny’s younger sisters, and her law school cohorts and housemates are on a parallel mission without realizing that they are putting their lives at risk. Vivian has other issues to resolve that for her may also be life-altering. While on a romantic rendezvous on one of the secluded islands of Bimini, she is uncharacteristically caught in a prism of emotions, commitments, and obligations. Only her family’s support can see her through her crises of consciousness.

The Alexander family of Summer County, South Carolina, is richly steeped in their ancestral traditions and embraces life living it to the fullest. The strength and selflessness of the family link them together as tightly as the gold chain that each family member wears. Their relationships with others in their extended family promise that what threatens one will be faced by all. The bonds that hold them together are strong, but the challenges that they face may be stronger.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 610 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0991500307
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
List Price: $17.95


Kenneth Alexander should have every reason to be happy. He heads his very prosperous electronics and telecommunications business and he has just married the woman of his dreams and the love of his life, JeNelle Towson. While on their Alaskan honeymoon, Kenneth learns that they have every reason to be concerned about a vengeful, narcissistic man, who threatens their happy-ever-after life. Upon the newlyweds return to their Santa Barbara, California, home Kenneth is summoned to a top-secret meeting with the President of the United States. Not only is national security at stake, but also world defense if Kenneth refuses to complete a project. Kenneth soon discovers that the dangers are more pervasive than originally thought.

His brother, Benjamin, a US Air Force jet fighter pilot, is about to lose the one woman he didn’t realize that he loved.

As if the situation couldn’t be worse, their sister, Vivian, an attorney who works on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, and her billionaire husband are intricately involved in the classified project. Little do the siblings know that all of the events causing eruptions in their lives have the same source. The dangers involve not only immediate family but also lead close friends to journey as far away as Spain and as close as the Navajo Nation of New Mexico before it’s too late.

While Kenneth sorts through the pitfalls, aid comes from an unsuspected source. The government operative holds the key to the deployment of the project through a woman who is coming to mean more to him than is comfortable for a man in his covert line of work. Though Oceanographer, Dr. Cecil Jordon’s invention, ROVERS, was designed as a weather detection system, it is the link that creates a worldwide protection grid. It takes the Alexander family and friends to try to stop a sadistic multi-billionaire from wreaking havoc on the world’s electronic systems.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 610 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0991500307
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
List Price: $17.95


Law school student Vivian Lynn Alexander could no longer fight the undeniable truth that she had to end her three-year love affair with her college sweetheart, Carlton Andrews, to have the career as a lawyer she dreamed about. Nor could she deny a growing interracial passion that she felt for former basketball icon Chuck Montgomery—that is, until she met his best friend, Derrick “Dunk and Jam” Jackson, who was an even bigger star than Chuck. Both medical doctors now, Chuck and Derrick find that they have no medical skills to keep them both from falling hard for the attractive, young Georgetown Law student.

Kenneth and Benjamin Alexander are brothers and best friends, but as different as night and day. Kenneth, the older, cool, calm, and collected President of his San Francisco-based telecommunications company, and Benjamin, the dashing young US Air Force jet fighter pilot, stationed in San Diego. Yet they came to the same conclusion: They were both falling in love with the same woman—the beautiful and alluring JeNelle Towson, owner of INSIGHTS, a Santa Barbara emporium of style and grace.

Despite their individual and desperate problems, the three of five Alexander siblings rally at perilous risk to themselves and others they care about when everything is on the line and the weight on all of them is the greatest. Two is company, but three is a family.

Book Specifics:
Paperback: 610 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0991500307
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
List Price: $17.95